Actor Luke Crory, Director Mentor Michael Nickles, and Student Director May Winter discuss a scene.

The foundation of cinema and television is now and always will be the written screenplay. Project AWARE, a youth-led filmmaking program run by Engine, presents a Call for Screenwriting Submissions for aspiring area youth seeking to be read, recognized and rewarded for their storytelling talent. This scriptwriting call is a rare opportunity for screenwriters to submit their work to be read, judged, and critiqued solely on their ability to captivate and communicate through the written word.

TOPICS: The script should deal with a topic that is relevant to high school age youth. In the past, Project AWARE films have addressed bullying, eating disorders, substance misuse, sexual abuse, among other topics.


Submissions due by July 10.
Please email to [email protected]

What people are saying about Engine...

Partnering with UNE, Engine has offered professional level gallery and classroom experiences for undergraduate and local students enrolled in arts classes as well as a venue to see art by both regionally and nationally recognized artists.
Stephen Burt
University of New England
Engine is and has been a focal point of downtown Biddeford for many years for so many artists and creative spirits. It is a go-to for me: a retreat, a destination, a source for connection and ideas and community.
Laura Dunn
Engine is a wonderful place to work surrounded by wonderful people who have infused so much love and light into the downtown of Biddeford. I cannot imagine a bright future in the town without this wonderful organization.
Savanna Pettengill
Artist & Arts Teacher
Engine fuels the creativity of our city, making it the hub for youth and adults alike to feed their spirits, expand their skills, and create a better future for all of us.
Stephanie Edwards
Community Action Committee