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Interactive Climate Change Art Workshop Comes to Biddeford WinterFest

Interactive Climate Change Art Workshop Comes to Biddeford WinterFest

BIDDEFORD (January 25, 2022) — Engine is pleased to present an Open House and Interactive Public Workshop for Climate [In] Action, an exhibition of the work of Local Climate Change Artist Jill Pelto.

The educational event, hosted in partnership with the Biddeford Climate Task Force and York County Community Action Corporation, will take place on Friday, February 4 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Engine’s art gallery located at 163 Main Street in Biddeford. Pelto’s work aims to construct new ways to communicate science through art and inspire people to take action. The pieces on display in the Climate [In] Action exhibit highlight the effects of climate change data such as melting glaciers, rising sea levels, and threatened species. After Pelto shares the stories behind her work at the event, attendees will be encouraged to react to the exhibit through their own art or through one word responses that will be used to create a word cloud.

“Jill Pelto creates art of stunning beauty with the power to educate through her blending of climate data and evocative images of climate change impacts,” said Steve Reiter, Chair of the Climate Task Force. “The Biddeford Climate Task Force, together with Engine, is proud to present this internationally praised artist and scientist in an exhibition of her work.”

“Through these partnerships, Engine is thrilled to present Jill’s work in a way that inspires and connects our community through art, design, and education. We know that art has the power to affect change and address some of our pressing social, economic, and environmental issues, and
climate change affects us all,” said Jess Muise, Executive Director of Engine. “This exhibition and interactive learning opportunity will provide a meaningful opportunity to take right action in our world through creative civic engagement.”

This interactive showcase is offered during WinterFest weekend in Biddeford, a cabin-fever busting set of events for all ages taking place in downtown Biddeford from February 4 – 6. While all ages are welcome to attend the workshop, participation is geared towards those 12 and up.

Masks and vaccination cards are required for entry to the workshop. The Climate [In] Action exhibit will remain on display at Engine through February 10, 2022.

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